Your Health is OUR Concern
The Practice
"Your Health is OUR Concern"
Tullamarine Complete Health Centre was established in Jan 2011 with our motto being "Your Health is OUR Concern" - meaning that YOU, the patient, is our first priority and everything else comes later.
The clinic provides support services to several GP doctors who provide medical care to the community. Our team, consisting of the Reception/Admin staff and Nurses aim to provide professional support to the Doctors to enable them to care for their patients. We pride ourselves in our professionalism and a true sense of caring for the health needs of each individual.
Some of the Doctors consulting at the Clinic are also medical educators involved in training the next genertion of General Practitioners. This is done in collaboration with RACGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) and Melbourne University.
The practice is accredited by AGPAL according to current best practice and regulations to ensure best support is provided to the doctors who are consulting at the practice and providing medical care to their patients.
The Doctors encourage consultations by appointments but welcome any who walk in without one. The practice is growing rapidly with new patients presenting every day! If you are new to the practice too, then we Welcome You too!
Latest Clinic News
Flu Vaccine
Apr 2023
This year's flu season has arrived!
It is important to prioritise the flu vaccine especially for those with chronic / serious medical conditions and those over age 65yrs.​
As per the Health Department's regulations, many people are eligible for the vaccine at no cost at all. (See below for the criteria).
Please make an appointment (or just walk in at any time) to receive your vaccine.
Flu Vaccine is FREE for:
1. Pregnant Women
2. People 65yr or over
3. Aboriginal & TSI persons
4. People Medically at Risk (age 6mth and over) - with weakened immune systems, chronic conditions like Diabetes, Heart Diseease, severe Asthma, COAD, Kidney disease, Lung disease, etc
Important Info:
a) Influenza, commonly known as the flu, spreads easily from person to person through infected droplets in the air and by hands
b) Flu vaccinations are the single most effective way of helping fight the spread of flu
c) Approximately 3,000 Australians die every year, either directly from the seasonal flu, complications due to the flu, or pneumonia
d) The flu vaccine does not contain any live virus therefore you cannot get flu from receiving the vaccine
e) Vaccines, like other medicines, can have side effects, however the majority of side effects are minor. Serious reactions to immunisation are very rare
f) Because the flu virus is constantly changing, vaccination is done every year with the vaccine also changing to target the various strains of the virus
Skin Checks
Apr 2023
With the lockdowns finishing, many have taken the freedoms to get out in the sun! Unfortunately too much sun exposure can predispose to skin cancer development.​
Please book an appointment with a doctor or book a whole body check by Molemap.
Overseas Travel
Apr 2023
Before travelling overseas, make sure you see your doctor to get up-to-date with your vaccinations and to also obtain relevant travel advise. Navigating Covid travel requirements can be quite challenging.